Bruxelles évalue l'accès concurrentiel aux données

La Commission européenne présente les points-clés de son dernier rapport sur l'accès aux données embarquées aux acteurs de l'industrie. D'ici 2030, 30% du parc automobile sera connecté. La réglementation de l'accès aux données peut garantir un accès juste et égal à tous les fournisseurs de services afin de créer un marché concurrentiel.

"Les fournisseurs automobiles estiment que, dans le processus d'homologation des nouveaux véhicules, les constructeurs automobiles devraient fournir une transparence totale sur les points de données techniquement disponibles, les capacités télématiques et les processus respectifs pour les tiers afin de permettre un accès indépendant et non surveillé aux données et ressources embarquées", rappelle le Clepa dans son communiqué.

"Le CLEPA est heureux de noter que le rapport met en évidence les mêmes préoccupations que les fournisseurs automobiles ont exprimées en ce qui concerne les limitations actuelles et les questions ouvertes sur le déploiement de services utilisant des données embarquées. Sur la base de ces conclusions, TRL ( a présenté des mesures possibles à prendre en considération dans la législation à venir et a proposé plusieurs options politiques pour les délibérations de la Commission".

Communiqué Clepa (voir aussi sa position d'avril dernier sur la question ci-dessous) - en Anglais

The number of connected vehicles is growing rapidly, being expected to represent 30% of the vehicle park by 2030. New cars include ever more connectivity-based services such as route planning, system diagnostics, or emergency assistance, and many more are currently being developed. This software-based technology generates an important data flow, that is also valuable to an expanding market that can make use of it, offer new services to consumers, or improve upon existing repair and maintenance services.

The European Commission is currently assessing regulatory options on remote repair and maintenance and other services based on data generated by vehicles. CLEPA welcomes the Commission’s initiative and its ambitious Data Strategy, and iterates that regulating data access at EU level can and should help ensure fair and equal access for all providers of services to create a competitive market environment for the benefit and in the best interests of consumers.  

With the aim of taking stock of the latest market developments and ensuring that these are considered in the regulatory process, the European Commission hosted a session with industry stakeholders on 17 September. The meeting presented an opportunity to share points of convergence by insurance, consumer and mobility organisations, and to align on how to best guarantee a data space that can satisfy ever more complex mobility needs and services.

The European Commission’s consultant, TRL, presented the main findings from a study on the current market situation. CLEPA is pleased to note that the report highlights the same concerns that automotive suppliers have expressed with regards to current limitations and open questions on the deployment of services utilising in-vehicle data. Building on these findings, TRL presented possible measures for consideration in upcoming legislation and proposed several policy options for the Commission’s deliberation.

The Commission also presented their planned roadmap and next steps. CLEPA looks forward to the the final TRL report to be published. A draft legislative proposal was announced for the first quarter of next year.

“Innovation in this area requires that car data must be shared amongst the different economic actors. Fair and undistorted competition is a prerequisite to leverage Europe's full innovation power in mobility services. Any privileged position in the data stream or in the flow of information between a vehicle and the next point of communication has the potential of limiting or even excluding market players from providing services. Regulating data access as planned by the European Commission can ensure fair and equal access for all providers to create a competitive market for the benefit of consumers.” says CLEPA’s Secretary General Sigrid de Vries.

Reflecting on the future of the industry on access to in-vehicle data, CLEPA released a position paper earlier this year. Automotive suppliers believe that, in the homologation process for new vehicles, vehicle manufacturers should provide full transparency on technically available data points, telematics capabilities, and the respective processes for third parties to allow an independent and unmonitored access to in-vehicle data and resources.



CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers based in Brussels, represents over 3.000 companies, from multi-nationals to SMEs, supplying state-of-the-art components and innovative technology for safe, smart and sustainable mobility, investing over €30 billion yearly in research and development. Automotive suppliers in Europe directly employ 1.7 million people in the EU.